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VIA - Travelling exhibition 

VIA is a solo travelling exhibition of my artwork. The project's schedule is intended to run from July 2023 to March 2024. VIA is a travelling exhibition project featuring paintings and installations, fostering cross-cultural artistic engagement across various art platforms. It's a project that spans four different countries, showcasing diverse art spaces.

The project starts with an art residency and preview exhibition in Bordeaux, France (, then moves to Galerie De Schans in Amsterdam (August–September). The exhibition and interaction will happen in London at the University Gallery in Harrow in November. The project will finish with an exhibition in India at Gallery Dot Walk, New Delhi, by March 2024.


Art residency, July 19–23, 2023

The Full Gallery, Bordeaux, France


Galerie De Schans, Amsterdam

Saturday, August 18–September 10, 2023

(solo exhibition and presentation)


University Gallery 

November 21th–25th, 2023

University of Westminster

London (Harrow Campus)


(Solo exhibition and interaction)

Gallery Dot Walk, New Delhi

March 10th–30th, 2024

(solo exhibition and presentation)


VIA: Travelling exhibition of artworks by Midhun Gopi - London

Project Phase 3

Art exhibition and Interaction

The university gallery is currently hosting a week-long event showcasing solo exhibitions and interactive sessions. This phase of the project began on November 20th and is set to conclude on November 25th.

University Gallery 

November 21th–25th, 2023

University of Westminster

London (Harrow Campus)


VIA: Travelling exhibition of artworks by Midhun Gopi - Amsterdam

Project Phase 2

The second part of the project started on August 18th. The Gallery de Schans in Amsterdam presented an open exhibition of paintings and installations. It began with the opening programme on Friday, August 18th, in the evening. 


Galerie De Schans, Amsterdam

Saturday, August 18–September 10, 2023

(solo exhibition and presentation)
